
About Our School

Why JM Rathi?

Reaching out to the community has always been an important part of Sudarshan Chemical’s philosophy. The Rathi family, founders of J M Rathi English School & Junior College, Roha, strongly believe that, a child without holistic education is like a bird without wings. The motive behind establishing JMRES was to ensure that the children of employees who are relocated to Roha will not have to compromise on the quality of education, empower children of our employees, community and society at large. With this aim and vision the foundation of JMRES was laid in Roha in the year 1975 by Shri Jagannath Rathi Charity Trust.

With a modest start of only 40 children, JMRES stands tall with more than 1550 children under its banner. Today, JMRES is recognised as one of the best schools in Raigad district with faculty and facilities that impart quality education and empower students to compete shoulder-to-shoulder with their counterparts in Mumbai and Pune.

In the words of Nelson Mandela,“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”. This resonates with the vision and motto of JMRES, “Knowledge is Power”

JMRES has consistently been voted by parents and stakeholders as the best English medium school in entire Raigad district. The school strives to provide each child with a far-reaching holistic growth through a well-planned curriculum. Our results have always been excellent and every year our students make us proud by acing the state board exams.

JMRES is one of the few schools in Raigad district that boasts of state-of-the-art academic infrastructure. The school is designed to enhance teaching-learning process and we ensure that it becomes a second home for our students. We also believe that good infrastructure is a pre-requisite for quality education. The school also has well equipped Science Labs and Computer Labs as per C.B.S.E norms for the betterment and practical implementation of the particular subject

Roha is an important industrial centre casing the manufacturing units of many large companies. A major concern for employees from various parts of India with regard to relocation at Roha is the presence of a reputed institution with a centralized curriculum.

Understanding this need of the hour, JMRES is in the process of switching over from a State board to CBSE, a National centralized board by the year 2018. The last two years at JMRES have transformed not only in the area of infrastructure but also in areas of intensive teacher training and IT upgradation. The entire team has passionately and whole heartedly invested a lot of time and effort to take this significant step ahead.

JMRES believes that education is the holistic process of growing up and developing one’s faculties. It is the art of shaping the individual’s personality through physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. The purpose of education is to teach the students their duty to their fellow men and to the community and country at large, to infuse them with a desire and energy to fulfil their duty at all powers.

40 +

Yrs Of Experience

1550 +

No. Of. Students

50 +

No. Of. Boys

50 +

No. Of. Girls

50 +

No. Of. Staffs